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Luambe National Park

At just 254 km², Luambe is one of Zambia’s smallest national parks. Situated on the eastern bank of the Luangwa it lies in the heart of the Luangwa valley between Lukusuzi, North and South Luangwa national parks. The park was declared in 1938 and is, therefore, one of the oldest conservation areas in Zambia.

The wildlife found in Luambe is similar to that of its larger neighbouring parks and includes all the typical large herbivores, carnivores as well as some less well-known species. However, the animals of Luambe are generally present at lower densities than in the bigger parks with the advantage that Luambe is less crowded than its more famous neighbours.

Habitat diversity in Luambe National Park is enormous and within a few kilometers, the vegetation ranges from the riverine forest, cathedral mopane woodland, floodplain acacia thickets to the sausage tree-dotted open grasslands of the Chipuka plains.

There are over 200 species of bird in Luambe and elephant populations as well as those of lion and leopard are said to be on the increase – so it’s well worth visiting now before everyone else catches on!

More information:

Area: 254 km²
Founded in: 1938
Province: Eastern Province

When to visit:

Luambe National Park can only be accessed in the dry season between May and October; during the rainy season, it becomes impassable.

Getting there:

The access roads to Luambe National park are suitable only for high clearance 4×4 vehicles. From the south, it’s a 70 km (approx. 3–4 hours) drive from Mfuwe on a dirt road through the Nsefu sector of South Luangwa National Park to Luambe’s southern ‘Chakolwa Gate’ entrance. From Lundazi it’s a 120 km (approx. 3 h) drive on a dirt road to Luambe’s northern ‘Chipuka Gate’ entrance.


The most common larger game species found in Luambe are puku, impala, warthog, bushbuck, waterbuck, kudu, hippo, zebra, and buffalo. However, sightings of Cookson’s wildebeest, roan antelope, Lichtenstein´s hartebeest, eland, common duiker, and oribi are also possible. Thornicroft´s giraffe has been seen regularly over the last two years. Elephants are common in Luambe and said to be on the increase.

Larger carnivores such as lions, leopards, spotted hyenas, and wild dogs are regularly seen. Smaller carnivores such as the serval, African wild cat, African civet, blotched genet and various mongoose species can also be found, especially during night drives.


Luambe National Park supports more than 200 species of bird. For the avid birdwatcher, birding in Luambe National Park can be spectacular with rarities such as the African skimmer, racket-tailed roller, Pel´s fishing owl, white-backed night-heron, Angola pitta, and Lilian´s lovebirds.

Large colonies of southern carmine bee-eaters can be found along the banks of Luangwa River in September and October. Other regularly seen species include spectacular raptors such as the Martial, Tawny, and African Fish Eagles as well as a variety of water birds including herons, ducks, and geese.

Source: https://www.zambiatourism.com/destinations/national-parks/luambe-national-park/